On July 2nd 2016:
Vote 1 Lance Lawrence Candidate for Solomon - House of Representatives. Endorsed by the Marijuana (HEMP) Party. A man you CAN trust.
"To the voters of Solomon,
Among my other concerns and policies, in standing as a House of Representatives candidate for Solomon in the Federal Election 2016, I aim to provide the constituents of Solomon with an unofficial referendum on ending the prohibition of cannabis AND meaningful, sustainable action towards Aboriginal health, education and industry. Both of these areas of our society (the enforcement of the prohibition and the generally aimless, inadequately resourced state of Aboriginal Affairs) cost us all dearly. While many efforts and attempts have been expended, failure to address the plight of our Indigenous Countrymen in a sustained and dedicated way will only diminish us all. By voting 1 for Lance Lawrence and the Marijuana (HEMP) Party on July 2nd, I invite you to voice your support for these policies. If you disagree, put me dead last on the ballot to register your opposition. If it only be a strong message that is sent to Canberra and to our local conservative government rather than a messenger, it will then be my intention to stand in the Northern Territory Legislative Assembly seat of Arnhem championing the same policies, and I could do with some support, because someone’s gotta do it. After 50 years in the Northern Territory, I believe I am qualified.” - Lance Lawrence All 2016 Federal Election content on this website and linked social media authorised by Lance Lawrence, Candidate for Solomon, Numbulwar 0822.
Endorsed by the Australian Marijuana (HEMP) Party. |